How to Notice Your Surroundings: Ghosts and Ruins

Take time to notice your surroundings. You may discover mysteries in the ghosts and ruins that dot the landscapes. You pass the same signs, the same buildings, even the same people day after day. But do you really pay attention? Our world drags us along speeding past the sights [...]


3 Actions to Inspire Your Courage to Press On

Living your fullest life doesn’t come without challenges. You need the courage to press on. Even when you approach life with optimism and hope, something happens that rocks you to the core. A chiding voice swells up within your head to remind you of your imperfections. Frozen in fear, [...]


We Can’t Fix People, But I Wanted To Badly

No one ever told me we can't fix people—or I didn't listen. The words from Eowyn Ivey’s novel, The Snow Child, grasped all my feelings and threw them into the silence that occupied my heart.  “We never know what is going to happen, do we? Life is always throwing [...]


Make Optimism a Habit Worth Your Time

Is the habit of optimism worth your time? How can you cultivate the habit?  Will it make a difference? Optimism is the "best thing" The word optimism derives from the Latin word optimum, which means “best thing.” Optimism instills hopefulness and confidence about the future. We can hold in [...]

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