Joy in the Wilderness: Where Have the People Gone?

Joy is in front of us; if we look. You don't need to search for joy. That feeling of well-being or good fortune doesn't elude you if you choose to open your eyes. “Find ecstasy in life: the mere sense of living is joy enough.” —Emily Dickinson Trista Ainsworth [...]


Your Potential: Inspiring Ideas to Be Your Best

You've got potential Your potential has no limits. Only you can decide how far you can go. If you trust your inner voice, you can do what you do best today and every day. Pretty Woman remains one of my favorite movies, and not only because I swoon a [...]


Uncertainty: Finding a New Vision after the Darkness

Uncertainty Before the darkness sets on a new horizon, peace will settle over hearts that ponder anew their vision of the dawn. After all the darkness there will be but one light shining along the path. For some two roads appear. Who will say which is right? Now, for [...]


Silence Can Calm the Soul and Restore Bliss

Silence prepares our souls to see the world in full color—an extravaganza of life and bliss. Silent Walks Upon the Sand Silent walks upon the sand interrupted only by the flutter of sea gulls meeting on the shore. I wonder why they gather in such strange little groups. They [...]


What If, You Knew a Little More About Me?

My favorite question—"What if?" I am a relentless seeker of excellence and kindness. If you don’t see that your story matters, chances are no one else will either. So even though it isn’t always easy, it’s important for you to find the strength to share your truth. Because the [...]


Adopt a Kindness Habit to Make a Better World

What would it take to create a kinder world? A kindness habit could push us closer to caring for one another in spite of our differences. “Wherever there is a human being there is a chance for kindness.” Seneca Kindness “kind-ness (kīn(d)-nəs) noun: The quality or state of being [...]

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