Flannel: Inspiring Ideas to Be Your Best

Never underestimate flannel—or people "Now, each of us has his own special gift. And you know this was meant to be true. And if you don't underestimate me I won't underestimate you." ~ Bob Dylan My granddaughter listened as I described my recent writing projects. Then she started giving [...]


Great Leaders: Are There Any Out There Now?

Great leaders share two critical characteristics: humility and will. This article explains what Jim Collins describes as Level 5 leaders He provides a glimpse of what to look for in a leader and ourselves. When Jim Collins and his team of researchers set out on a five-year journey. The focus [...]


Your Potential: Inspiring Ideas to Be Your Best

You've got potential Your potential has no limits. Only you can decide how far you can go. If you trust your inner voice, you can do what you do best today and every day. Pretty Woman remains one of my favorite movies, and not only because I swoon a [...]


Kindness Thoughts: Inspiring Ideas To Change the World

A few thoughts on kindness to uplift and inspire you to be your best. For years, I have hoarded quotes on small slips of paper, in journals, and now in a spreadsheet. I find them in articles, books, poems, podcasts, and occasionally, conversations. Something about the shape and formation [...]


This Is What Happens When You Set an Intention

When we set an intention, we take the first step. But, it's only one step. The yoga teacher welcomes the student—me—to the mat. Gently and with compassion thanking me for showing up today. Coming to the mat requires commitment. As I settle in cross-legged and begin to breathe, she [...]


You Want to Improve? The Challenge Is Change

“I can’t go back to yesterday because I was a different person then."

 Alice in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll Mindset to Improve Are you ready to improve? Wanting to improve and improving are not the same. Even if you do change, can you sustain the new habit [...]


We Can’t Fix People, But I Wanted To Badly

No one ever told me we can't fix people—or I didn't listen. The words from Eowyn Ivey’s novel, The Snow Child, grasped all my feelings and threw them into the silence that occupied my heart.  “We never know what is going to happen, do we? Life is always throwing [...]


Make Optimism a Habit Worth Your Time

Is the habit of optimism worth your time? How can you cultivate the habit?  Will it make a difference? Optimism is the "best thing" The word optimism derives from the Latin word optimum, which means “best thing.” Optimism instills hopefulness and confidence about the future. We can hold in [...]

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