What Happens When We Collaborate to Be Better?

When we collaborate, we all get better. Yet, our culture values individualism above all else. “I can do this. I don’t need you. I won’t depend on anyone.” You might hear a two year old proclaim indignantly, “I do it myself.” That approach appeals to us and serves as [...]


Why Leadership Teams Are Important to Culture

We often forget about the role of leadership teams in building culture. Organizations, even small ones, rarely have only one leader. The CEO, president, chancellor, superintendent depend on a team of leaders to facilitate and guide people in the organization.  The Role of Leadership Teams Leadership teams have a [...]


Seven Characteristics I Look for in a Leader

My view of leaders and leadership has evolved over time. I have soaked in the philosophies and perspectives of many people. They include but are certainly not limited to Peter Drucker, W. Edwards Deming, John Maxwell, Simon Sinek, Seth Godin, Stephen Covey, Jon Kotter, Jim Collins, Dr. Seuss. And, [...]


Why Kindness Matters to Me in Excellent Customer Service

Quite simply, customer service begins with kindness. Excellence in serving customers starts with leaders who value employees and model quality service. Leaders who respect and build relationships with staff establish the foundation for great service to thrive. Excellence in service does not begin with customers. Where does customer service [...]


Four Revealing Ideas to Effectively Manage an Organization

To effectively manage an organization, we must first remember that it is a system. All systems left unattended will naturally find their state of disorganization. This is the principle of entropy. We could also refer to it as the “random capacity of the system.” Our problem grows . . . Most [...]

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