Customer Service: When It’s Good It’s Very Good, But When It’s Bad . . .

Some days I wonder if customer service has become a lost art. The Henry Wadsworth Longfellow nursery rhyme captures my thoughts about customer service. "When she was good, she was very good indeed, But when she was bad, she was horrid.” When customer service is good, it is very [...]


Stop Setting Goals If You Never Do These 3 Things

Stop! Stop setting goals. It is a waste of time and effort. If you know me at all, those words are nothing short of blasphemous. I have been preaching, yes, on my soapbox preaching, about identifying your purpose, setting goals, and the sheer beauty of a well-executed plan for [...]


Perspective-How to See Through the Eyes of Others

Perspective changes everything. How can we see through the eyes of others? Why would we want to? When I can stop and consider how someone else sees the problem or lack of a problem, the new view can change my perception. Perspective or perception? Let's keep this simple. Basically, [...]


Create Urgency for Change in a Complacent World

The mind and heart are critical to producing significant change. Change. Where does it begin? With me, with you—because we’re all for excellence until the consequences of improvement jolt us and create discomfort. We talk about change and blame our lack of results on change. We bemoan the fact [...]


Daring Leadership for the Future Begins with You

Leadership is not someone else’s problem. In this article, I propose that the responsibility belongs to each of us. The future depends on how we model the skills and attributes of effective leadership. In a recent article, Paul Myers asked, “Do We Know How to Lead?” He posed five [...]


Managing Through Mental Models Is the Best Secret

Do you ever wonder why people refuse you to consider new ideas or accept change? A secret of good leaders will help you understand their reluctance. First, remember that an organization is a system. Managing through mental models requires a deep understanding of the system in place. All systems left [...]


Great Leaders: Are There Any Out There Now?

Great leaders share two critical characteristics: humility and will. This article explains what Jim Collins describes as Level 5 leaders He provides a glimpse of what to look for in a leader and ourselves. When Jim Collins and his team of researchers set out on a five-year journey. The focus [...]

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