Stop Setting Goals If You Never Do These 3 Things

Stop! Stop setting goals. It is a waste of time and effort. If you know me at all, those words are nothing short of blasphemous. I have been preaching, yes, on my soapbox preaching, about identifying your purpose, setting goals, and the sheer beauty of a well-executed plan for [...]


Take Small Consistent Steps To Be Your Best Today

Being and becoming your best is hard work. Hard doesn’t mean impossible. Rather, it requires commitment, a goal, and most importantly, consistency. I love the way Seth Godin described the difference between persistence and consistency. As he put it, “persistence is annoying.” I see his point. Excellence, improving, getting [...]


What Kind of Garden Are You Growing to Be Your Best?

My own gardening skills remain a work in progress. But since my days as a classroom teacher of lanky and emotional thirteen-year-olds, I have often considered my job as a “planter of seeds.” Brian Eno compared the process of making music with gardening.  Seed planting to be your best... [...]

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