
The pencil danced perfectly in my hand. 

But the words—the words could not find a home.

Are they waiting for a more inspired writer?

How could that be?

Ideas careen.

Maybe I can catch one, or two, 

before they dissolve into the sunset.

* * *

The challenge—write a 44-word poem, a Quadrille that includes the word careen. I have two choices when I find myself stuck in my mind swimming around with ideas and words that refuse to find their way to the page.

Weed the garden, or start throwing words aimlessly onto the page and see what happens. Most of these fits of frustration remain behind the covers of my journal, where they generally deserve to stay.

On a good day, like any good work, they become sentences, paragraphs, and stories. These snippets of inspiration show up in a weary world. 

When that happens, I sigh—satisfied that I took a step. I gave space for thoughts to find their place ready for the reading.

And then, well, I look for another sunset.

Thanks to Lillian and the dVerse Poets Pub for jolting my brain onto paths waiting for my words to find a home. You can read more Quadrilles or join the fun at

And always—

Be kind. Be brave. Be you.

Photo: “Sunset” © Kathryn LeRoy